The study “Considerations on Challenges and Future Directions in Cybersecurity”

The study “Considerations on Challenges and Future Directions in Cybersecurity”, was developed on the occasion of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, under the aegis of the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA), with the support of the Romanian National Computer Security Incident Response Team (CERT-RO) and the National Cyberint Center within the Romanian Intelligence Service.


The study stands for a joint effort of experts from the public, private and academic fields to develop a cybersecurity framework for education, innovation, cooperation and human resource management and to reveal future challenges and strategic directions in this area.

The study “Considerations on Challenges and Future Directions in Cybersecurity” won the Outstanding Security Performance Award (OSPA) for the best Romanian cybersecurity initiative for 2020.

The main steps in promoting the studyConsiderations on Challenges and Future Directions in Cybersecurity“:

Presenting the study at the New Global Challenges in Cyber Security Conference, “Education & Awareness” panel, organized by the Romanian National Computer Security Incident Response Team (CERT-RO), at the Romanian Parliament Palace:;

Presenting the study at the European Cyber Security Challenge, organized by the Romanian Intelligence Service, the Romanian National Computer Security Incident Response Team, and the Romanian National Association for Computer Systems Security:;

Presenting the study at the Information Technology and Communications Security Conference, organized by University of Economic Studies, the Military Technical Academy, and the Advanced Technologies Institute:;

Launching the study at the Romanian Academy,  in the presence of the representatives of the beneficiary institutions, the academic environment and the civil society, as well as the U.S. Embassy, the Israeli Embassy, and the British Embassy in Romania:;

Presenting the study at the European Commission, Bruxelles, in the presence of experts from European institutions and private companies:;

Launching the study at the Permanent Representation of Romania to the European Union, Bruxelles, the event being opened by H.E. Ms. Ambassador Luminiţa Teodora ODOBESCU:

The study is available at the following addresses:

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