Books and Scientific Studies

The Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA) supports scientific work in the fields of cybersecurity and cybercrime, by promoting the books, publications and technical reports, published or coordinated by the members of the Association.


Cybersecurity: Challenges and Perspectives in Education
Ioan-Cosmin Mihai, Costel Ciuchi, Gabriel Petrică (coord.)

eISBN 978-606-11-7676-2, ISBN 978-606-11-7675-5, Sitech Publishing House, 2020

The book “Cybersecurity: Challenges and Perspectives in Education” was developed with the support of the Romanian National Computer Security Incident Response Team (CERT-RO) and the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, under the aegis of the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA).

The volume brings together the contributions of professors, researchers, and trainers, for the development of a reference framework for education, research, and cooperation in the field of cybersecurity.

It is available on the website of the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance:

The Role of Cybersecurity on the Internet of Things (IoT)
Cristian Vlad Oancea

ISBN 978-606-94367-8-3, Manifest Books Publishing House, 2020

The book “The Role of Cybersecurity on the Internet of Things (IoT)” aims to present the main aspects of the impact of cybersecurity on the Internet of Things (IoT) and propose solutions to improve cybersecurity from physical to application level. The paper is structured in nine chapters, addressing the general concepts of cyber security, protocols, IoT components, security architecture, classification of vulnerabilities and threats to IoT devices, analysis and prevention of device attacks.

The book presents a comprehensive guide including solutions for remediation of the compromised security, as well as methods for risk mitigation, with prevention and improvement suggestions, in order to improve the level of cybersecurity on the Internet of Things (IoT).

Considerations on Challenges and Future Directions in Cybersecurity
Ioan-Cosmin Mihai, Costel Ciuchi, Gabriel Petrică (coord.)

eISBN 978-606-11-7005-0, ISBN 978-606-11-7004-3, Sitech Publishing House, 2019

The book “Considerations on Challenges and Future Directions in Cybersecurity” was developed on the occasion of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and it was launched by the Romanian National Computer Security Incident Response Team (CERT-RO) and the National Cyberint Center within the Romanian Intelligence Service, under the aegis of the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA).

The volume stands for a joint effort of experts from the public, private and academic fields to develop a cybersecurity framework for education, innovation, cooperation and human resource management and to reveal future challenges and directions in this area. Available at:

Dependability of Information Systems
Gabriel Petrică, Sabina-Daniela Axinte, Ioan C. Bacivarov

ISBN 978-606-25-0529-5, Matrix Rom Publishing House, 2019

The monograph “Dependability of Information Systems” is a complex and valuable approach on the concept of dependability (addressed in the synergy of its components – reliability, security, safety, availability, confidentiality, resilience, etc.), current and relevant keywords in the field of scientific research, both at national and international level.

The topic analyzed in this book is an actual and interesting one in the context in which computer systems are currently essential tools in carrying out the activity of any entity, and ensuring information attributes such as security or integrity are key objectives in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) society that governs us.

Current Challenges in the Field of Cybersecurity – Impact and Romania’s Contribution to the Field
Ioan-Cosmin Mihai (coord.), Costel Ciuchi, Gabriel Petrică

eISBN 978-606-8202-60-0, ISBN 978-606-11-6578-0, Sitech Publishing House, 2018

The book “Current Challenges in the Field of Cybersecurity – the Impact and Romania’s Contribution to the Field” aims to analyze the current challenges in cyberspace, identifying threats, vulnerabilities, and risks to cybersecurity. It is presented the evolution and structure of cyber-attacks, the best practices for cybersecurity measures, public-private cooperation and Romania’s capacity to respond to virtual threats at national, European and regional levels.

The book was elaborated within the “Strategy and Policy Studies – SPOS 2017” project, developed by the European Institute of Romania (EIR). Available at: SPOS_2017_Study_4_FINAL.pdf.

Cybercrime Regarding Financial Transfers
Mircea Constantin Șcheau

ISBN 978-973-709-871-9, Economic Publishing House, ISBN 978-606-11-6645-9, Sitech Publishing House, 2018

The volume presents some ingenious criminal methods encountered in real life, aiming to identify the gaps that need to be plugged, estimating the necessary resources and creating alternatives in order to develop and protect the financial system, in the context of technology migration and the conceptual change of data storage, processing and transmission information.

Changing the legislative framework and activating a mechanism for its continuous harmonization with European legislation, in the context in which cybercrime has no borders, it is a step that must be taken as soon as possible, especially since national cybersecurity legislation has many chapters that need to be completed.

Procedures for Detecting Cybercrime Activities on Websites
Ioan-Cosmin Mihai

ISBN 978-606-11-6119-5, Sitech Publishing House, 2017

The book “Procedures for Detecting Cybercrime Activities on Websites” aims to present the procedures for detecting cybercrime activities on the websites compromised by cybercriminals.

The paper was developed within the European Joint Master Programme “Policing in Europe”, developed by the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL).

The book presents an analysis of the main cyber-attacks and methods for monitoring the security of websites, in order to detect the criminal activity on the compromised websites. Available online on the website:

Challenges and Strategies for Cybersecurity
Ioan-Cosmin Mihai, Gabriel Petrică, Costel Ciuchi, Laurențiu Giurea

ISBN 978-606-11-4951-3, Sitech Publishing House, 2015

cybersecurity-strategiesThe book “Challenges and Strategies for Cybersecurity” aims to present the concept of cybersecurity and to propose strategies and solutions to ensure it. Cyberspace, characterized by the absence of borders and anonymity, presents, besides the obvious benefits, a number of threats difficult to identify and counteract that can target the critical infrastructure of a state.

In the context of the online environment risks that are found at individual and governmental level, the assurance of cybersecurity – part of national security – gains accentuated importance, constituting a challenge for all the actors involved. The book presents the concept of cybersecurity, cyber-attacks structure, security risk management, encryption mechanisms and digital certificates analysis.

Information Security. Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
Ioan-Cosmin Mihai and Gabriel Petrică

ISBN 978-606-11-4364-1, Sitech Publishing, 2014

information-securityThe book “Information Security. Second Edition, Revised and Expanded” has the purpose to study security systems and to propose solutions to improve it, being a scientific portfolio, theoretical and practical, which is addressing equally to those with master degrees, doctoral or post-doctoral and to specialists in this field.

The book is based on an extensive and interdisciplinary study covering the issue of security. It presents solutions and methods for information security assurance. It contains the following chapters: The concept of information security, Vulnerabilities, Cybersecurity threats and risks, Theoretical security models, Security services in distributed systems, Data encryption mechanisms, Security applications, Computer systems survivability, The web platform

Cybercrime. Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
Ioan-Cosmin Mihai and Laurențiu Giurea

ISBN 978-606-11-4363-4, Sitech Publishing, 2014

cybercrimeThe book “Cybercrime. Second Edition, Revised and Expanded.” presents a complex study on cybercrime phenomenon, analyzing the current cyber-attacks. It contains the following chapters: Computer networks architecture, Computer vulnerabilities classification, Cyber-criminals profile analysis, Presentation of computer crimes, Cyber-attacks classification, Cyber-attacks structure, Developing an attack tree, Study of the impact of cyber-attacks, The web platform

The book was developed and supported by the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA) in the project “Protection of Computer Systems Against Cybercrime Phenomenon”.

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