RAISA Adhesion

Individuals and legal persons who wish to become members of the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA) must meet the following conditions:

  • to have concerns in the field of information security and related domains;
  • to adhere to the principles, values ​​and goals of the scientific professional Association;
  • to assume the rights and obligations as a member of the Association.

To become RAISA member you consult the rights and obligations of RAISA members and send an email to contact[at]raisa[dot]org, with the following documents written in Romanian, completed and signed:

After sending these documents by email, RAISA management team will decide within 15 days from the date of submission. Once you have been declared eligible to join the Association, you can pay the membership fee.

The membership fee is EUR 40 per year for individuals and EUR 100 per year for legal entities. Master’s and PhD students have a 50% reduction in the membership fee and they must provide the appropriate documents.

You can deposit the membership fee in the Association’s account:

Asociația Română pentru Asigurarea Securității Informației (ARASEC)
Banca Transilvania, Sucursala Chibrit

Members of the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA) have the following benefits:

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